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US Researchers Identify Likely Russian Deployment Site For Burevestnik Nuclear-Powered Missile

Two U.S. researchers have pinpointed a potential deployment site in Russia for the controversial “invincible” 9M370 Burevestnik missile.

Two U.S. researchers have identified what they believe to be the likely deployment site in Russia for the 9M370 Burevestnik, a new nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile.

This weapon, touted by President Vladimir Putin as “invincible,” is said to have an almost unlimited range and the ability to evade U.S. missile defences. However, Western experts have questioned its strategic value and expressed concerns over the potential risks, including the possibility of a radiation-spewing mishap.

According to a Reuters report, the researchers, Decker Eveleth from CNA and Jeffrey Lewis from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, used satellite imagery taken on July 26 by Planet Labs, a commercial satellite firm, to identify the construction site. The site is adjacent to a nuclear warhead storage facility known as Vologda-20 or Chebsara, located 295 miles north of Moscow.

Eveleth identified nine horizontal launch pads under construction, which he believes are likely intended for the Burevestnik missile. These launch pads are grouped and shielded by high berms, which could be designed to protect them from attack or to prevent an accidental blast from triggering other missiles.

The site also includes buildings that Eveleth and Lewis believe are for servicing the missiles and their components. The proximity to the nuclear warhead storage bunkers suggests that the Burevestnik missiles could be stockpiled and ready for rapid deployment.

The identification of this site suggests that Russia is moving forward with the deployment of the Burevestnik missile, despite a series of problematic tests in recent years. This missile has been a point of controversy due to its nuclear-powered nature, which some experts argue poses significant risks, including environmental hazards.

Russia’s defence ministry and the U.S. government have not commented on the researchers’ findings. However, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov recently stated that Russia plans to update its nuclear weapons guidelines in response to what it views as Western escalation in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

This development has raised further concerns about the potential escalation of nuclear tensions between Russia and the West. The deployment of such a missile could have far-reaching implications for global security and the balance of power in international relations.

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