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UNICEF Empowers Nigerian Women To Combat Malnutrition In Gombe State

UNICEF is spearheading a training initiative in Gombe State, Nigeria, that helps Nigerian women fight against chronic malnutrition.

In northeastern Gombe State, Nigeria, UNICEF is spearheading a transformative initiative to combat chronic malnutrition by training thousands of women in nutrient-rich farming and cooking techniques. This program aims to improve the nutrition of families, particularly children, by growing tubers and grains in home gardens, reducing food expenses, and addressing the region’s persistent malnutrition issues.

This week in the village of Poshereng, over a dozen women gathered to learn how to prepare 200 different recipes using locally grown crops like cassava, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, maize, and millet. Among the participants is Hauwa Bwami, a 50-year-old widow and mother of five, who nearly lost her grandson to kwashiorkor, a severe form of malnutrition.

“I have my grandson, he was malnourished and suffered from kwashiorkor… UNICEF came and saw his condition. They taught me how to prepare food with sweet potatoes and soya beans so that he would not have diarrhea. They taught us how to prepare nutritious food with vitamins,” Bwami shared during the training.

Kaltungo community, where Poshereng is located, is predominantly agricultural, with farming being the main source of income despite the semi-arid conditions and recent limited rainfall. The impact of malnutrition is severe, weakening immune systems over time and increasing susceptibility to other diseases, often leading to death before children can receive hospital care due to financial constraints or lack of facilities.

Africa faces a significant malnutrition crisis, exacerbated by conflict, climate change, and rising food prices. The continent, home to over a billion people, bears one-third of the global malnutrition burden, with 13 out of the 20 most affected countries located in Africa, according to UN estimates. UNICEF’s program in Gombe State is a crucial step towards alleviating this widespread issue by empowering women with the knowledge and resources to nourish their families effectively.

Melissa Enoch

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