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Putin Draws ‘Red Line’ for US, Allies Over Ukraine Missile Strikes

President Vladimir Putin warns Russia may use nuclear weapons if Ukraine uses Western long-range missiles to strike Russian territory. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stern warning to the United States and its allies, stating that Moscow will consider using nuclear weapons if Ukraine is allowed to launch long-range missile strikes deep within Russian territory.

This declaration has sparked concerns about the potential escalation of the conflict into World War Three, a risk acknowledged by both Moscow and Washington.

Putin’s warning extends to scenarios involving major cross-border conventional attacks using aircraft, missiles, or drones, and considers any rival nuclear power supporting such an attack as a party to it.

Specifically, he cited Western long-range missiles, such as US ATACMS and British Storm Shadows, which would require Western satellite and targeting support.

A former Soviet and Russian diplomat, Nikolai Sokov, interpreted Putin’s message as “very clear: ‘Don’t make a mistake – all these kind of things may mean nuclear war'”.

Bahram Ghiassee, a London-based nuclear analyst, linked Putin’s remarks to Ukraine’s ongoing lobbying for long-range missiles and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s meeting with US President Joe Biden.

The international community is divided on whether Putin’s threat is genuine or a bluff. If he is bluffing, the West may increase its military support for Ukraine, disregarding Moscow’s warnings. However, if Putin is serious, the consequences could be catastrophic.

As tensions escalate, the world watches anxiously, wondering if Putin’s “red line” will be crossed, and what the consequences will be.

Boluwatife Enome

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