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Police Beef Up Security at Bayero’s Palace, Vow Not Evict Deposed Emir

Kano Police Commissioner Mohammed Gumel says his men won’t evict the deposed Emir Bayero as directed by the state government.

Barely 24 hours after Kano State government issued an order to evict the deposed Emir Aminu Bayero from the Nassarawa Palace, the State Commissioner of Police Mohammed Usaini Gumel said his men would not evict the deposed Emir Bayero as directed by the state government.

This was even as the dethroned Emir attended Friday Prayers amidst funfare and tight security around the mosque and the Palace.

He performed the Juma’at service at the mosque situated outside the Nasarawa palace, few meters away from the Government House in the metropolis.

The 15th Emir appeared in white royal regalia, under white umbrella meant only for Emirs, excorted back to the Palace after the Jumaat prayer attended by hundreds of supporters and excorted by well armed security men.

In his reply to the eviction order issued by the State Government, the State Commissioner of Police said the same government filed a case at the State High Court on the eviction order, slated on Monday, 24th June 2024.

He said the police will not evict the deposed Emir because the same government has filed a case at the State High Court on the same order, which would come up on Monday, 24th June 2024.

“The government is jumping the gun because the same government has filed a case on the eviction order, which is coming up on the 24th of June, 2024. So, if we carry out the order, it is like we are pre-empting the court because we don’t know what will happen at the court,” he added.

It could be recalled, following the Court’s ruling in the Kano Emirate tussles, the Kano State Government has directed the State Commissioner of Police to remove the deposed emir Aminu Ado Bayero, from the Government property where he currently occupies.

In an emergency press conference on the night of Thursday, the state Attorney General/Commissioner of Justice Haruna Dederi, said the State Government has already concluded arrangements for the general reconstruction and renovation of the Nassarawa Palace.

He said arrangements had been concluded to conduct construction works in the property, including the demolishing and reconstruction of the dilapidated wall fence with immediate effect.

As at the time the Attorney General was addressing the conference, bulldozers were cited in front of the government house waiting to carry out the state government’s directives to bring down the facility.

In the wee hours of Friday, a combined security operatives comprising the Nigerian army, the police, the Civil Defense, cordoned all access leading to the Palace, from Commissioner road, State road and Audu Bako way, to ensure the safety of the Bayero’s palace.

Meanwhile, there were thausands supporters including hunters and members of vigilante groups, at the Kano city central mosque as the 16th Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi 11, led Friday prayer alongside some district and ward heads.

The Emir who also appeared in full traditional regalia, rode white horse to the mosques, where he offered Friday sermon in Arabic language.

However, at the Emir’s Palace located in the heart of the city, local vigilante and hunters were also seen observing a vigil at the three entrances leading to the main house, where the reinstated Emir currently occupies.

In the last two days, there has been an increase in the number of hunters and vigilante groups, who spend day and night at the the Kofar Kudu palace, should there be any attempt by the security operatives to effect eviction of Emir Sanusi out of Palace.

Ahmad Sorondinki in Kano.

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