Tesla in August expressed an interest in building a factory in India that would produce a low-cost electric vehicle.
The bilateral agreement will focus on R&D as well as human resource development
This comes after France ordered it to stop selling the phone on the grounds that it breaches European exposure limits.
While Apple avoids the terms artificial intelligence, or AI, the technology was the driver of several new features.
Indonesia users spent more money on TikTok than anywhere else in Southeast Asia over the past year,
The regulator found that the model emits more electromagnetic waves than permitted.
He expressed concern over Nigeria's bloated civil service payroll and promised to judiciously apply public funds for nation's growth.
Scientists hope to learn more about the effect of solar radiation on the thousands of satellites in orbit.
Musk, however, did not give a specific date for the launch of the new feature.
Subair noted that the use of technology helped the agency in optimising its operations while also enhancing revenue generation for…