Deputy Senate President Barau emphasised the importance of the power sector, saying without power, other sectors would not perform optimally.
They condemned the arbitrary dissolution of democratically elected local government councils in some states across Nigeria.
"The same arsonists also had an attempt to burn down the Kogi State Government House foiled by our eagle-eye security…
“The situation in Nigeria regarding human rights is complex, despite the country's commitment to international treaties."
After capturing the authorities, National Guard members fled to barracks south of the capital.
He claims that a $22 million program has been launched to support Nigeria's Cocoa sector.
It said the bags have a way of causing serious breakdowns of the conveyor belt system.
The crew members on board survived with minor injuries.
12.9bn will go towards overhead costs, while the remaining 48.65 billion will go towards capital projects.
Dangiwa said the buildings are a significant contribution to address Nigeria’s housing crisis.