This comes after France ordered it to stop selling the phone on the grounds that it breaches European exposure limits.
Oyedele noted that many Nigerians were being over-taxed, even from illegal associations, especially in the states and local councils.
OPEC, however, maintained its robust global demand growth prediction.
While Apple avoids the terms artificial intelligence, or AI, the technology was the driver of several new features.
The growth was credited to increase in loans and advances to customers.
The FTSE said the downgrade was inevitable.
Indonesia users spent more money on TikTok than anywhere else in Southeast Asia over the past year,
The country scored 90% in legislation, 89% in accident investigation and 56% in aerodrome ground aid
The rating agency relegated the country from frontier to unclassified market as they claim engagement with market authorities is futile.
The liberalisation of the foreign exchange market during the period spurred the growth in non-interest income as revaluations gains improved…